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Support Programs, Education, Referrals

We have trauma-informed providers who understand, recognize, and support individuals who have experienced trauma in their lives. 

Our providers are educators and we provide training to psychiatric nurse practitioners to prepare them to be excellent mental health providers in the future, adopting our mission, vision, and core values.

Loma Linda Psychiatric Medical Group is a certified esketamine clinic, administering this FDA-approved nasal therapy for treatment-resistant depression.

TOVA is a neuropsychological assessment that measures a person's attention while screening for ADHD

Loma Linda Psychiatric Medical Group is open every second and fourth Sunday of the month for individuals who go to school and work during weekdays and unable to see their providers.

We offer a specialized OCD treatment that is a collaborative psychopharmacotherapeutic approach to this debilitating disorder. Psychotherapeutic approach includes phone sessions, in-office, and outdoor exposure treatment. 

We specialize in a weight loss program using the revolutionary Thinsulin approach by addressing the biology of insulin in burning fat, psychology to change one's thinking about foods, and behavioral modifications to overcome the weight-loss plateau and keep the weight off.

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